How To Write An Effective YouTube Description

YouTube is the number one video platform in the world and the second-largest search engine millions of people use every day. But, why is this important for you as a content creator, and how can it help you grow your channel?

It’s simple. 

Once you realize the potential of this social giant, you will be tempted to optimize every part of your channel and your videos, including YouTube descriptions. This is why we are going into detail about different ways you can use the description to boost your views and get more people on your channel.

So, if you want to learn more and optimize your video SEO, keep on reading.

And when you’re finished, take a look at our other YouTube guides:

What Is a YouTube description?

The YouTube description is text on your channel or under the video you published that better explains what your content is about.

Both are equally important for your target audience to find you easily and to get familiar with the content you are trying to promote. If you use those descriptions wisely, you can not only increase your visibility but also add affiliate links and social media links to boost your influence everywhere.

YouTube channel descriptions

Channel descriptions are located on the about page. This might be the first thing new visitors see on your YouTube channel, so make every word count. 

It’s an incredible opportunity to describe what your channel is about and even add a call to action that will draw in more subscribers. This will let the visitors know what to expect from your videos and if you are interesting enough to follow.

YouTube video descriptions

Video descriptions are the text under each video that is published on the platform. 

The description here is meant to lead the viewer through the video and explain what might be expected, with additional space for promotion and links.

This is a chance to add keywords and make it easier for people to find you, but also a great promotional space for all the affiliate links and other relevant information.

Considering how powerful the YouTube search engine is, every good content creator knows that video description is the place to be creative and promote your content

But how should you write this description? Keep on reading to find out the details.

Where is the description on YouTube?

Depending on the device your viewers use, the description might be shown differently. For example, on mobile phones, the description under the YouTube video is hidden by default. In case someone is interested in the text, they need to click on the arrow icon next to the video title.

For desktop users, the video description on YouTube can be seen once they click on “Show More”.

This might be interesting to know if your target audience uses one or the other device more. Keep in mind that every device will show the full description once the user wants to see it.

How to write an effective YouTube description?

Every popular video on YouTube has some clever description, and this is not a coincidence. This description box has so much potential, and it’s the right place to entice your audience, get more subscribers and even add a link or two.

You can find a YouTube description template online, but here are a few suggestions if you want to start from scratch. Having description templates can shorten the time needed to write the description but on the other hand, it can sound “robotic”. Keep in mind that the audience needs to hear your opinion and character, so make it unique.

Include Keywords

Relevant keywords are essential for video SEO. 

Even before you make the video and write the description, you should focus on researching your target audience and strong keywords to include in your content. Mentioning the primary keyword during the video and adding it in the description is the best way to push your content in the searches.

By adding them in the description of your video, you are signaling YouTube that your content is relevant and users are more likely to find you. It can be a great push forward for your channel growth.

Use YouTube Analytics and other tools to determine what keywords are the best ones for the type of video you are creating. A simple Google search can also help you a lot.

Add Value

Besides relevant keywords, you need to think about your audience. Why should they follow you for more, and what value do you offer to the viewer?

Depending on your channel, this can be an opportunity to get creative and promote your video content in the best way possible. Give them a reason to subscribe and include some kind of “call to action” message.

Be Precise

Experts suggest that the first 200 words are most important. This means you need to make sure the video description is short and to the point. Users are not there to do a ton of reading, so you need to be smart with the attention span you got from your target audience.

Add Relevant Links

The description box is also a great spot to add various links. Linking products, services, and social networks in the description is a great way to promote your content even more. Cleverly placed affiliate links can get a lot of clicks from your audience and increase your earnings on YouTube. 

These links can include:

  • Time-stamp links;
  • Affiliate links;
  • Social media links;
  • Links to relevant videos;
  • Product links.

Keep in mind that adding social media links can build your channel even more and give it extra credibility. This is a good way to show users you are invested in your content, and you can be reached on various platforms.

Make It Unique

While it can be overwhelming to think about all the details when writing a killing description, you need to relax and be your own. Get creative and show your personality, this way your audience will be more likely to pay attention and even click on the links provided.

Why do YouTube descriptions matter?

One of the most important things on YouTube besides making high-quality videos is engagement with the audience and visibility. Even if you make incredible videos, YouTube is a competitive platform.

This means you need to use every trick in the book for your YouTube growth, including a description of the channel and under every video.

Every word counts, so you want to make sure the primary keyword is mentioned a few times and that the description fits your channel perfectly. This is why dedicating some time and effort to writing a high-quality description can propel your content to success.

Bonus tips for writing a strong YouTube description

A truly amazing video description can make a huge difference, so we included additional tips and tricks you can follow to grow your YouTube channel. Here are a couple of suggestions to consider:

  • Don’t stress about the video tags – Although they are significant, tags are not crucial for search engines. This means you should focus more on the description and less on the tags.
  • Add hashtags – If you want to increase the chances to be found and pushed by the YouTube algorithm, you can add relevant hashtags. These phrases should be used sparingly, and only if they are related to your channel and video.
  • Use natural language – Even though the goal is to be found and optimize your video SEO, keep in mind that you are writing for human readers in the first place. This means the descriptions should be easy to understand and interesting to read.
  • Follow legal rules – Sometimes content creators add music to their videos, and in cases like this one, you have to mention the author and credit them. The description field is a great opportunity to do so.
  • Pay attention to the SERP – SERP snippet is displayed as text when someone searches keywords you used on Google. This small text will be next to your video describing it, so make sure to use the space wisely.

Final Thoughts

The search bar on YouTube is a powerful thing if you know how to use it to grow your channel and promote your videos. By using our detailed guide, you will make an amazing YouTube description and be one step ahead of the competition.

Make sure to link all social media channels to boost your visibility on all platforms, and use every opportunity to promote your content.
