what is negative feedback

If you have been on social media long enough, then you know negative comments are a common occurrence. And although in some instances, negative feedback from social media users is justified, at other times, the comments are completely unwarranted or malicious.

Unfortunately, negative sentiments on your social media accounts can damage your online reputation. According to a recent survey, 94% of customers will most likely avoid a brand after reading a negative review directed to the brand. Such data shows that you need to handle negative feedback promptly and appropriately to save your brand’s reputation.

So, want to learn how to respond to negative comments on popular social media platforms? Read on as we explore effective strategies for dealing with bad reviews.

Reasons Why People Give Negative Feedback

how to respond to negative comments

Let’s be honest, you’ll never get 100% positive customer feedback. In fact, comments that aren’t complimentary are the norm rather than the exception on online platforms. For instance, statistics show that 35% of US customers post negative comments about brands.

So, if you’re a business with an active online presence and you haven’t had a negative interaction with a customer yet, expect it, as it’s going to happen sooner or later. But what is negative feedback, and why do customers give it?

Negative feedback is any response from your customers that indicates they aren’t satisfied with your product or service. This feedback often comes from an unhappy customer who has had a bad experience with your business.

There are many reasons why customers leave negative feedback on social media. For starters, social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram, among others, are powerful communication platforms. Most customers use these platforms to communicate their dissatisfaction in an effort to get a quick response. Some customers also know they can anonymously vent their frustrations on social accounts, and their sentiments will reach a large audience.

However, it’s important to note that although some negative feedback is uncalled for, some of the social media negative comments are reasonable, as we will find out from the below reasons why customers leave negative feedback:

  • Customers want to see changes – Negative feedback can sometimes turn out to be positive feedback, especially when customers give it because they want you to make changes to your product or brand. If customers tell you several times that they don’t like something about your product, then you need to take this as constructive criticism. For instance, if a customer comments that your product doesn’t work, this information is priceless as you’ll know what to improve upon to make your product better.
  • They want an apology – In some instances, an unhappy customer will leave you negative feedback because they want an apology from you. According to recent statistics, 38.9% of customers who leave negative comments expect an apology from the company. The best response to such customers is a quick and sincere apology, especially if you know you were wrong.
  • Customers want a refund – Some customers who leave a complaint do so because they wish to get a refund. For instance, a customer complaining about a faulty or damaged product may request financial reimbursement. Although it’s not always possible to give a refund to every customer who asks for one, it’s crucial that you offer a viable solution to each of the complaints raised.
  • Warn other customers from going through the same experience – Some consumers will leave negative feedback to save others from going through the same experience. Such comments give you an opportunity to improve your customer service. After giving a timely response, you can always ask the customer to escalate the discussion away from the public platform, as this kind of feedback can turn away other potential customers.
  • Customers want transparency – Some customers will leave bad reviews if they feel you aren’t being open or honest. For instance, a customer may disagree with your policies and leave a negative comment. In such instances, it’s not always possible to change your policies, but you can be more open about them. You’ll have better relations with your customers if you’re transparent about how you conduct your business.
  • Customers want to damage your reputation – Unfortunately, a small number of customers leave negative reviews to tarnish your company’s name. It’s essential to respond to these reviews quickly before they wreak havoc on your brand’s reputation. You can also use brand reputation management strategies to filter out such negative comments. Also, encourage your happy customers to post more positive comments or reviews, as this helps to prove that there are many customers who have had a positive experience with your product.

Is It Worth Responding to Negative Comments?

negative comments

The short answer to this question is yes. Brands shouldn’t ignore bad reviews on social media as this makes them appear insensitive to their customers. Similarly, it’s not advisable for brands to delete negative feedback, as this suggests that you have something to hide. Besides, this action may anger the person more and give them more reason to dislike your brand. Further, such a customer can decide to air their sentiments elsewhere.

When a customer does a public post on your brand, they expect a response from you. Ensure you’re quick with the response, as 84% of customers expect a response within 24 hours. Similarly, avoid automated responses, as this will only serve to make your customers angrier.

Other benefits of responding to negative feedback posted on your social media channels include:

  1. Social media users trust feedback made by other users. Thus, ignoring negative feedback on social media will only fuel the fire the comments may have caused.
  2. Customers use social media to get speedy responses, and your followers are on the lookout to see how fast you’ll respond to negative feedback.
  3. People use social media to research products meaning they go through comments and reviews. If bad reviews aren’t handled well, it can lead to decreased sales for your company.

How to Face Negative Comments on Social Media?

social media negative comments

The most important thing when it comes to negative online feedback is how you handle it. Your response to customer complaints will affect your brand’s image and revenue. Besides, when negative feedback is handled well on social media, it can end up being good publicity. Below are five actionable insights that you can use to turn negative feedback into positive for your brand.

Give a Quick Response

The faster you respond to criticism on social media, the better. Notably, even a simple response such as “We are looking into this” can go a long way to show your customers that you care about their feelings. To respond to comments quickly, you can use social media management tools. Such listening tools help you track mentions of your brand and respond to them immediately.

Try to Be Polite

A quick response is good, but a polite timely response is even better. Even if the comment made is horrible, make an effort to give a polite response. Politeness will help save your brand since other customers will take note of your response.

Be nice and friendly, and avoid being defensive. If you are having difficulties keeping your cool, step back and take a deep breath before you give a response. You can also ask someone else from your team to respond to the comment.

Answer Honestly and Transparently

Gather all the facts and answer the customer honestly. If you’re in the wrong, be honest about it and apologize. Explain what caused the issue and what you’re doing to resolve it. Also, indicate the steps you or your customer service team have taken to resolve the issue. However, be careful not to make false promises. 

Notably, most times, negative reviews need public responses. Once you have delivered a public response, you can always send direct messages.

Apologize If Needed

An apology will most likely make your customer feel better. Even if it isn’t your fault, let your customer know that you empathize with their situation. Additionally, ensure you frame your apology in a way that sounds sincere. Sometimes all a disgruntled customer needs to know is that you understand their situation and you are sorry that it happened.

Personalize the Message

Don’t use automated replies to respond to your customers’ complaints. Such replies lack empathy, and they don’t show the human side of your brand. Respond to each complaint individually. Craft a personalized response that mentions the customer by name and also addresses the specific incident. This shows you care about each of your customers and you genuinely want to resolve the complaint.

Other Tips

Other tips that can help you address negative feedback on social platforms positively include:

  • Respond to all comments, whether positive or negative.
  • Don’t delete negative reviews or comments.
  • Avoid feeding trolls.
  • Don’t make it a habit to repeat past mistakes.
  • Have a trusted customer service team that can respond to negative comments.
  • Don’t pick a fight with your customers.


Negative comments on social media will happen. Responding to such comments appropriately is the best strategy if you want to save your company’s reputation. With the right response, you can change a bad comment from a disadvantage to an advantage. By actively engaging with negative comments and turning them into opportunities for growth, you can foster a positive online reputation for your company. Remember, a well-crafted response showcases your dedication to customer satisfaction, empathy, and continuous improvement. Embracing negative feedback and using it as a catalyst for positive change can ultimately strengthen your company’s image and build lasting trust with your audience.

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