Why Is Social Media Bad for Kids?

Social media is a huge part of our lives. It is a superb tool for staying connected with friends and family. 

But have you ever wondered if social media is bad for kids? Do you know what percentage of teens use social media? Are you aware of its potential dangers to your children? If not, this article is for you!

This blog post will answer questions such as: why is social media bad for kids? How can parents manage social media risks for children? We’ll also discuss its benefits for kids. Keep reading to find out!

Common harms of social media for kids

When kids use social media, they expose themselves to potential risks and harm. Here are four (4) common harms:


Cyberbullying is deliberate offending actions or messages on the net. 

It can include posting comments, threatening, or sending hurtful messages. It can also involve posting embarrassing photos or videos without the person’s permission. 

Cyberbullying can be very harmful to vulnerable teens and children. It can damage their self-esteem and make them feel isolated and alone. It can also lead to depression and anxiety. It can have serious negative effects on a child.

Distraction from schoolwork

It’s a fact that social media can be a huge distraction, especially for kids trying to focus on schoolwork. 

Here’s how:

A recent report shows that a whopping 90% of kids aged 13-17 use social media. With so many notifications popping up and constant updates to check, it’s easy to get caught up in the world of social media sites and forget about what you’re supposed to be doing. 

Studies have shown that social media apps can negatively affect attention span and memory, both of which are essential for success in school. 

What’s more, kids constantly scrolling through their feeds are more likely to become anxious and depressed, leading to even more focus and motivation problems. 

Inappropriate content

Parents have always worried about their kids being exposed to inappropriate content. But with the rise of social media, they now have to worry about their kids being exposed to inappropriate content 24/7 while scrolling through their social media apps.

Even seemingly innocent platforms like Instagram and Snapchat can be host to a range of offensive material, such as hate speech, pornographic images, obscene language, and graphic images. And once they’ve seen it, it can be not easy to unsee. 

And because social media is so easily accessible, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for parents to protect their kids from this harmful content. 

Online harassment

According to a recent study, nearly 60% of kids have experienced some form of online harassment, and one in four has been the target of severe online bullying. 

This harassment can take many forms, from mean comments and name-calling to threats and even physical violence. Unfortunately, social media provides anonymous attackers with a wide reach and the ability to remain anonymous, making it difficult for victims to escape the abuse. 

Dangers of social media for kids’ mental health

Social media can be detrimental to the mental health of children and teenagers due to several factors. Here we will expose how social media affects kids’ mental health.

First, it can contribute to low self-esteem. Some kids may be predisposed to feelings of envy or low self-confidence when they see images posted by their peers. It is especially true when it comes to the often-unrealistic images posted by social media influencers or celebrities, which can make children feel inadequate and dissatisfied with their bodies.

Second, social media can lead to depression and anxiety. Studies suggest that kids who use social media more than two hours per day are more likely to experience mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. It can be attributed to the fear of missing out (FOMO), too much comparison with others, and lack of real-life social interaction.

Thirdly, excessive use of social media can be problematic for children, as it can lead to a lack of physical activity and socialization, decreased academic performance, and even addiction to social media habits.

Finally, too much time spent on social media can lead to sleep deprivation and concentration issues. It is particularly true if kids use their phones late at night or when they should sleep. 

Are there any good effects of social media on kids?

Social media can have several positive effects on kids. For one, it can help them stay connected with friends and family living far away.

It can also be a great way for kids to share their interests, learn new social skills, research topics, and express themselves creatively.

Additionally, social media can be a useful tool for kids to learn about new interests and explore different points of view. But overall, social media can be a valuable asset for kids if used responsibly.

Significant social media benefits for children

Despite the potential pitfalls, there are also significant benefits to using social media responsibly.

Social media allows children to broaden their horizons by connecting with people from different cultures and countries. It can help them develop a more informed global perspective and build their communication skills by engaging in meaningful conversations with others online.

In addition, these platforms can be used as effective teaching and learning tools. Children benefit from easy access to educational material such as online games, video games, and articles that can help them develop their knowledge in various areas. 

They can also use them to supplement the school curriculum and further their analytical skills by researching topics that are relevant to their studies.

Finally, social media provides children with the opportunity to express themselves creatively. 

How Parents can manage social media risks for children

Parents need to be aware of and manage the risks associated with social media use by their children. Here are five (5) steps to help mitigate potential issues caused by social media use, such as:

Establish rules and guidelines

Set clear expectations around when and how much time your child should be spending on social media. Make sure they understand that it is inappropriate to use social media during school hours or at night, and establish a curfew for when their internet access should end.

Monitor your child’s activity

Parents should monitor their child’s online activity, including who they are following and what content they are accessing. Check in with your child regularly to discuss any potential issues or worries that may have arisen from their use of social media, such as cyberbullying or FOMO. The most important thing is to create an environment where kids feel safe to talk openly about their feelings and social media experiences.

Talk about the risks

 Ensure your child knows the risks associated with social media habits, such as sharing personal information or sending unsolicited messages to strangers. Explain to them the importance of privacy and how not to fall victim to scams or phishing attempts.    

Practice good digital citizenship

Please encourage your child to be a responsible digital citizen by using their influence positively, such as promoting kindness online and avoiding hateful language. Discuss with them the need for understanding and respect towards others when engaging in online conversations.

Be a positive role model

Be mindful of the type of online content you post and how you interact with others online. Show your child what it looks like to be an ethical digital user and demonstrate how to use social media responsibly.

By taking proactive steps to manage their children’s social media usage, parents can help minimize potential risks and ensure that their kids are using the platforms safely.

Why kids under 13 should not have social media?

  1. Age limit: Social media platforms have an age limit of 13 years and below, due to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).
  2. Maturity: Children under 13 may not have the maturity to handle the content, interactions and responsibilities that come with social media.
  3. Cyberbullying: Children can be vulnerable to cyberbullying, harassment and other harmful online behaviors.
  4. Mental health: Excessive social media use has been linked to negative effects on mental health, particularly in children.
  5. Developmental concerns: Early exposure to social media can impact children’s social and emotional development, as well as their ability to form healthy relationships.

Why is social media bad for child development?

  1. Reduced face-to-face communication: Social media can reduce face-to-face communication skills and limit children’s ability to understand and respond to nonverbal cues.
  2. Addiction: Overuse of social media can lead to addiction and interfere with other important activities such as sleep, exercise, and face-to-face social interaction.
  3. Negative body image: Social media can contribute to negative body image by promoting unrealistic and harmful beauty standards.
  4. Cyberbullying: Children can be vulnerable to cyberbullying, harassment, and other harmful online behaviors, leading to low self-esteem and negative mental health outcomes.
  5. Addiction to technology: Social media can be addictive, leading to increased screen time and decreased physical activity, which can impact children’s overall health and wellbeing.


Now you have a concise answer to the question: why is social media bad for kids? As you can see, many young adults use social media. All you need to know about social media and its wide range of effects on kids, both good and bad. 

However, proper guidance and parental involvement can equip children with the necessary knowledge to stay safe online. Children can use social media in positive ways that benefit their overall development.

Happy Parenting!
